We are unusual in that we can actually do management - for example, we will contract manage an acute hospital and can provide turnaround / rescue intervention. We also provide project management and have a strong grasp of all the issues around capital investment: we are currently providing a project management service to the developer of a specialist private hospital.
We have a strong in-house analytic capability and are accustomed to handling large arrays of nhs data with all the complications and difficulties that implies for those seeking meaning and truth.
We are acknowledged experts in the design and planning of the hospital-of-the-future across the spectrum from the major academic health campus to the small rural ‘hypermodern acute hospital’ - again we push the radical edge from a deep conviction that tomorrow’s hospital could be so much better than today’s conventions would produce.
What we do…
> creative solutions
Finding creative solutions
- working with clinicians and managers to find solutions to intractable problems
- using international best practice to stimulate service advancement in the UK
- sourcing the most challenging experts to problem solve and shift entrenched positions
- thinking laterally to avoid the same mistakes being replicated
> health strategy
Health strategy in a complicated world
- leading edge strategy capable of influencing policy and generating debate most recently on small hyper-modern hospitals - read the paper here
- durrow has advised on numerous service reconfigurations involving acute, community and mental health services
- we are developing the concept of the "hypermodern local acute hospital" a restructure defending full-spectrum services for small DGH populations
- the NHS confederation commissioned durrow to write a report on: "the future of acute care; a personal view"
> community hospitals

Community Hospitals are often an underused resource that do not demonstrate synchrony with CCG commissioning or FT operating plans. This is far more complex than merely stating which services should be provided in community hospitals.
In many localities, plans are not clearly defined or may be expressed too rigidly in terms of historic NHS provision. The diagram shows the general access principles on which we believe commissioning statements should be built. These principles can then be further developed by commissioners to include comprehensive quality specifications, ensuring that standards of care are not sacrificed to the convenience of access.
> clinical commissioning group support
durrow have considerable experience in the commissioning cycle… from understanding data to making sense of the needs of the local population, to financial planning and negotiations. Together with our ability to make an in-depth contributions towards the development of organisational leadership and governance we are able to tailor a package to suit the exact needs of your organisation.
> data

Making sense of data
- the conversion of data to information that you can act on
- solutions and recommendations that pass the "so what?" test
- demystification and interpretation of data to enable effective commissioning and resourcing
- we undertake GIS analysis (mapping) in-house because it is key to understanding health activity and population needs
> business cases
Development of business cases
- practical experience of taking projects from inception to completion
- leading edge concepts translated into modern healthcare facilities
- involvement with schemes from £1m to £400m
- current experience of managing both P21 and PFI type cases
> leadership
At durrow we offer expertise in helping to maximise the potential of individuals and teams, to achieve overall improvement in performance through:
- We have experienced and accredited coaches who have the skills and tools to enable the individual to learn and perform at his/her best.
- We will agree objectives, timescales and outcomes and will cover those issues which are important to the individual eg, Career change, work/life balance, conflict, organisational changes.
- We also provide coaching as part of an overall leadership and personal development programme
- Within durrow we have a strong team who have worked at Chief Executive and senior levels in health who have the knowledge to advise and support in general, and often longer-term, career issues and aspirations
> financial recovery
Financial recovery and turnaround
- intelligent financial recovery planning and implementation
- development of service line reporting
- micro-finance combined with high-level management judgement, policy and action
- sound accountancy and due diligence testing
> estates planning
Estates planning
- capital project planning, team assembly and project management to create first class therapeutic environments
- development of control planning, concept designs, option appraisals and evaluations
- project management and implementation
- comprehensive facilities management
- getting greener - ecology with economy